Beside the thrill of having Helen teach us, there were another 5 awesome tutors ready and willing to share their project with us -Fee, Jo, Vicki, Dawn and Joy.
Look at them, still happy and smiling at the end of the day. Aren’t they amazing!.
Dont the tables look so beautiful.
Those bags contained our project kits for the day plus other patterns and goodies.
The day was taken up with the sewing workshops, retail therapy courtesy of the tables below, a beautiful lunch, lots of laughter and chatter (except when we were concentrating on getting our stitching just right), friendship, and a huge amount of excitement about the whole weekend.
Dawn’s table Vicki’s table
Fee’s table Joy’s table
All aspects of the weekend were organised amazingly by Fee – she even managed to have beautiful weather for us.
Now all that is left is to finish off those projects, and start saving for next year in Adelaide.
Looks like you all had the most amazing time...
What a great photo to have as a keepsake of a grand old time Marilyn. Lovely.
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